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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

White Vs Brown Rice

Whole grain rice, like whole grain wheat, retains all of the nutrients, including those that are concentrated in the outer layers. This has lead to the current emphasis on BROWN rice, which is based on the rationale similar to that for whole wheat bread. However, unlike wheat which is still most often eaten with little refining (except in industrially developed countries like the U.S.) most of the rice eaten in the world is polished.

Polished rice has the outer husk and the outer layer of bran removed. Its often said that this is done to improve appearance and taste and that many of the vitamins and minerals contained in the outer layers are sacrificed. However, research has shown that the proteins of polished rice are more available than those in unpolished rice.
Polished rice also keeps better than brown rice and the decrease in bran makes intestinal gas less likely.

Polishing does remove a large portion or the vitamins and minerals, especially the B vitamins and thiamin.

Rice is a well balanced food, and while it does not contain an unusually high percentage of protein, tis protein is of particularly good quality (though it is more assessable in polished rice).

Calorie for calorie, rice was found to require 50% less insulin than potato. Thus an ideal source of carbohydrate for diabetics.

Food Processing

Often processing involves removing some of the nutrients of food

Modern Nutrition

The problems of modern nutrition extend from the soil and farmer to the processing plant and advertisers, to the grocery store and consumer, and sadly, often the doctor's office.

When man abandoned the forest and began to form villages, his food habits changed. He wasn't roaming around any more, eating what was available and moving to correspond with the changing seasons or the migration and movements of animals. He began to live permanently in a confined space - not eating what could be gathered, but instead what could be cultivated and stored.
Domesticated grain, for example, having had to adapt to new environments at lower elevations and closer to water, lost it's ability to disperse its seeds and became totally dependent on man. Man in turn became dependent on his plants - leading to the development of farming communities.

Though man's newly domesticated food was limited, it was no longer necessary to spend time chasing after animals or organizing his life around the search for food. Time and energy could now be turned to exploring man's potential for creativity and understanding. But farming practices often involved continual repetition of crops, gradually depleting the soil. As soil became exhausted, the quality of food declined.

Tissue breakdown and disease result from dietary deficiencies. Tooth decay, deformities in the facial bones, crowding of teeth and malformed dental arches -which have been correlated to lower IQ's, personality disturbances and higher incidences of degenerative diseases.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


PROTEIN- protein intake above 85g a day can have negative health consequences. Breakdown products of protein such as ammonia, are toxic to the body and stress the kidneys. Also too many amino acids (from protein) means too much acid in the blood which the body neutralizes by pulling calcium from your bones. *it is now well established that high protein diets contribute to osteoporosis.


A single puff of a cigarette contains a TRILLION oxidants (the body's nuclear waste molecules), which rapidly travel to your brain, carrying with them high levels of cadmium - the accumulation of which depletes zinc, leading to mental health problems, curved-dented-misshapen nails, anxiety, unhealthy lining of the arteries, hair loss, stretch marks, sterility, acne and body odor

Trans Fats can be taken directly into the brain, taking up position and displacing DHA (good fat) in brain cells-messing up the thinking process. They also block the conversion of essential fats into vital brain fats. A serving of french fries or fried fish has 8g of trans fats, a doughnut has 12g and a serving of chips has more than 4g.


The more sugar and refined carbohydrates you eat, the more unable you are to maintain even blood-sugar levels (hypoglycemia). Excess glucose becomes toxic to the brain, damaging nerve cells and stops them from working properly (sugar reacts with proteins in the brain and prevents them from moving freely, causing inflammation of the brain tissue-the hallmark of ALZHEIMER'S ). Sugar also uses up your body's stores of vitamins and minerals while providing none. Blood sugar imbalances are one of the 5 major underlying causes of SCHIZOPHRENIA.

Food Intolerance & Allergies

common signs you may have food intolerances: infantile colic, eczema, asthma, ear infections, hay fever, seasonal allergies, frequent colds, daily mood swings, digestive problems (especially bloating)

Food allergies are influenced by heredity. A child born into an allergic family should be breastfed for as long as possible, preferably a year, during which the mother does not eat the same food more often than once every 4-5 days. Ideally ALL infants should not be introduced to solids until 6 months-1 year. Their first solids should be pureed meats, fruits and leafy vegetables. All grains and starchy foods should be avoided until the child has molars capable of grinding. Infants do not produce the necessary enzymes to properly break down and digest grains (or cow's milk). This undigested food sits in the gut feeding the bad bacteria, causing damage to the intestinal lining, leading to malabsorption and increased risk of developing food allergies.

Vitamins and Minerals

Studies have shown that adding vitamin and mineral supplements to the diets of children who have no obvious signs of deficiency, can produce an increase in their IQ scores-keeping in mind also that the RDA levels of nutrients is not optimum nutrition for the mind. Stress and environmental toxicity deplete our vitamin stores at a rapid pace, making it nearly impossible to obtain necessary levels of nutrients through even the healthiest diets.

Stress & Depression

Women are 3 times as prone to depression as men. Men produce serotonin twice as fast allowing them to rebalance from serotonin depleters (lack of sunlight, lack of exercise, too much stress, not enough vitamins & minerals, blood sugar imbalances) without prolonged blues. low serotonin in men is often related to aggression & alcoholism.

STRESS increases the Cortisol hormone, damaging your brain by shriveling up dendrites (the connections between brain cells). That's why you are more prone to forgetfulness while stressed.

Prescription Drugs

RITALIN: Ritalin is given to 7 million school children in the U.S. - that's about 1 in 5. Ritalin is structurally & pharmacologically similar to COCAINE and has a similar dependency profile. Side effects of Ritalin (according to the U.S. DEA): increased blood pressure, heart rate, respiration & temperature, appetite suppression, stomach pains, weight loss, growth retardation, facial tics, muscle twitching, euphoria, nervousness, irritability, agitation, insomnia, psychotic episodes, violent behavior, paranoid delusions, hallucinations, heart arrhythmias & palpitations & psychological dependence. IT can also initiate changes in brain structure & function that remain long after the therapeutic effects have dissipated.


ADHD: A top group of child psychologists & psychiatrists failed to find any substantial evidence that there is a disease called ADHD. ADHD is purely a descriptive label given to a variety of children with learning & behavioral difficulties, and the "diagnosis" tells us nothing about the cause or treatment. Studies have shown ADHD children to be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals and have been successfully treated with large amounts of VIT C & B3 or Zinc & Magnesium -in which deficiency can produce symptoms associated with ADHD. A significantly higher percentage of children with ADHD have taken several courses of antibiotics in early childhood - which significantly lower levels of zinc, calcium, selenium and chromium.

A conference held by the National Institute of Health in the U.S. in '88 failed to find any substantial evidence that there is a single condition called ADHD. Some children diagnosed are simply super intelligent, bored & under stimulated, whose condition is exacerbated by poor diet. Others that are dyslexic, dyspraxic & unable to concentrate, often have a deficiency in essential fats.


trace minerals in vegetables have fallen 72% in the last 60 years

Why Exercise?

exercise prevents physical deterioration of your brain. keeping fit reduces your risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's-people at a greater risk of cardiovascular disease are at a greater risk of Alzheimer's.

Food Additives

Tartrazine (E102) is a yellow food coloring linked to allergies, hyperactivity and also depletes the body's store of essential nutrients-such as zinc. E102 can often be found in skim milk, orange colored cheese, kraft macaroni & cheese, margarine, pudding & gelatin desserts, mountain dew, canned fruits & vegetables, candy, boxed breakfast cereals, pasta & baked goods, tang and any orange colored snack (Doritos, Cheetos....etc)

Tea & Coffee

tea and coffee are diuretics-they dehydrate you. plus caffeine blocks the release of motivating neurotransmitters Dopamine & Adrenalin - the more caffeine you drink, the more your body & brain become insensitive to their own natural stimulants-so you need more and more caffeine just to feel normal. Which all leads to adrenal exhaustion.